Precision Test Lab & Consultant was established to provide testing and consultancy services in the field of Civil Engineering.
The company primarily carries out Geological Investigation of Rocks and Soil, DPR for highway, Project, Management Services, Concrete testing and Cement testing.
PTLC offers the following analysis services - Coarse Aggregate Water Absorption, Bulk Density, Specific Gravity, Impact Value, Flakiness Index, Elongation Index, Crushing Value, Sieve Analysis, Soundness, Soil Moisture Content, Grain Size Analysis, Compressive Strength, Bitumen Penetration Value, Plate Load Test, Bankel Beam Deflection Test, Efflorescence, SPT Test, Interlocking Blocks Compressive Strength, Fineness, Cement Consistency, etc.
PTLC Lab is ISO/IEC 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 9001:2005 accrediated in the fields of testing Building & Roads Materials and Mechanical Testing respectively.
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