In fish farms and in the wild fish community, disease is the main factor affecting growth.
Control of aquatic animal welfare includes the detection, diagnosis and treatment of fish
and other aquatic organisms with diseases. Aquatic Animal Health State Referral Laboratory
discusses, in addition to carrying out disease control in the natural water sources, the
medical needs of farmers conducting aquaculture throughout the state. The facility has
state-of - the-art testing equipment for the specialized evaluation of diseases of fish and
shells of industrial importance. The laboratory has well-trained staff who are exposed to
diagnosis, research and training internationally.
The objectives are as follows:
1) Enlargement of full support–comprehensive research and treatment of pathogens of
aquatic organisms for fish farmers in water-quality studies, microbiosis and molecular
2) Monitor and monitor the prevalence of diseases across the state in aquaculture.
3) Build cost-effective diagnostics of market significance of known and developing diseases.
4) To conduct research to develop suitable scientific, eco-friendly and practical solutions for
aquatic farmers on existing and emerging issues related to aquatic animal health.
5) Offer training in field level and advanced methods of commercial disease diagnosis to
hatchery workers and farmers.
6) Dissemination of disease management practices through ICT tools, trainings, on - the-spot
demonstrations on the prevention and control of illnesses in aquaculture.
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